"Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America" by Mark R. Levin

While some people may be in denial about it, there is no question about the fact that the United States of America are about to undergo some drastic changes.With public support for whatever the White House does being pretty low right now, the passing of the highly controversial NDAA bill as well as the proposition for SOPA and PIPA all point to the fact that an authoritarian reform is looming on the horizon.

During this crucial and volatile time, radio personality Mark R. Levin discusses, in his book titled Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America, the utopian movement, its history, architects, followers and disciples.

He also theorizes about how this utopian dream that sits in practically every American’s mind will serve as the cause for the demise of a fair, honest and just society. He believes that American individuals are being devoured by the illusion of a possible utopia.

Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America by Mark R. Levin (Book cover)
Mark R. Levin explores in a great amount of detail what it is about utopia that free people find so attractive, as well as what part of utopia destroys these people. Without getting into detail about precisely what he covers, in the end Mark R. Levin demonstrates that at least according to what he knows, the American public is indeed in great peril, being at a crossroads and forced to choose between utopia or freedom.

If you enjoy reading books which discuss politics in any way, then I highly recommend that you at least look into this book or what Mark R. Levin has to say in general. While of course he isn’t the messiah and his word should not be taken as the absolute truth, Mr. Levin has proven to at least be a reasonable person who puts effort into his thoughts.

Mark Reed Levin (Author)

Mark Reed Levin

Personal site

Mark Reed Levin is an American show host (The Mark Levin Show), a lawyer as well as an author. In addition to having worked as a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese and in the Reagan administration, Levin also published five books, most of them dealing with politics and society in America, with perhaps the best-known one being Liberty and Tyranny.


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