"The Shack" by Wm. Paul Young - Serial Killers and Spiritual Illuminations

Finding creativity in literature these days is about as hard as finding original content in a Hollywood movie. It seems that there are only a few left out there willing to take a chance and think outside the box and come up with something out of the ordinary. Like I said though, there are still a few of them left out there, one of the being William Paul Young. If that name means nothing to you, then chances are you haven’t heard of his novel called The Shack.

The novel tells the story of Mackenzie "Mack" Philips, father of five. Four years prior to the events of the story Mack took his children on a camping trip, only to have his daughter kidnapped and murdered by a serial killer called the "Little Lady killer". Her body was never found. 

Four years later, Mack receives a letter from a certain "Papa" inviting him back to the shack where it all happened for the weekend. Naturally, Mack accepts the invitation and rides out back where the pain started. When he arrives at the shack, he finds nothing of interest… not worth staying for. However, just as he is about to leave everything around him transforms into a lush paradise, and human manifestations of the Holy Trinity appear in front of him.

The Shack by Wm. Paul Young (Book cover)
This is basically where the story truly picks up, and I dare not say more about it for fear of ruining it. But rest assured, this is one of those books that leaves an impression on you… it makes you think. I believe it even warrants multiple readings as every time something new is picked up from it. All in all, if this is the type of story that intrigues you I recommend you give this book a try. 

William Paul Young (Author)

William Paul Young

Personal site

William Paul Young is an author of Canadian origin whose best-known work is the novel that moved countless people across the world, The Shack. After a shaky, but eventually successful launch into the world of literature, Young has published his second novel, Cross Roads, through Faith Words.


  1. This book is powerful. Not only is it incredibly well-written, but it is realistic as well. It will blow all your preconceived notions about God, yourself, and Truth right out of the water. It is a powerful read with some great insight. I know that this is a book that will stay with me for a long time.

    As I was reading this book, I felt like someone had either gotten into my head or my journal! I have struggled with so many of the same issues and questions as Mack does. In fact, I think that is one of the greatest strengths of this book. It doesn't shy away from the hard questions, honest emotion, and struggle. Best of all, this book avoids the simplistic answers that so many Christian books spout. This book does delve deeply into the issue of trusting God. But it's not in a "Trust God and have faith and all your problems will disappear just like that!"


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