"The Chronicles of Narnia" by C. S. Lewis

At this point, chances are that you are familiar with The Chronicles of Narnia because of the major motion picture or have heard your friends incessantly talk about it; after all, it was written more than 60 years ago by none other than C. S. Lewis.

While many people learn a bit about it, they often tend to simply see it as another stereotypical fantasy novel and just forget about it. Well, it is true that this kind of story is not necessarily for everyone, the land of Narnia is much more than the cookie-cutter fantasy worlds you generally find.

The Chronicles of Narnia Box Set contains seven stories arranged in the chronological order Lewis intended them to be read in, each one set in the enchanted land inhabited by noble, glorious, and sometimes cruel beings. 

The Chronicles of Narnia" by C. S. Lewis (Box Set)

The story will begin as two children, Polly and Digory are sucked into the magical world which they find in their closet. Further stories will have you coming back time and time again to the mystical land with four other children. Finally, the last story will bring the world of Narnia to an end and give birth to something entirely new, marking the beginning of a new time cycle.

While the books contain drawings, have children as protagonists and even have somewhat simplistic titles such as The Magician’s Nephew, The Lion or The Witch, rest assured that people of all ages can find something to like those stories. Whether you are feeling a bit nostalgic and want to feel like a child again or appreciate complex allegories and metaphors in regards to existential questions.

The Chronicles of Narnia have remained popular for decades upon decades now, making it part of the exclusive club of books which stood the test of time… the best part is that you can get them all in one set.

Clive Staples Lewis (November 29, 1898 - November 22, 1963)

Clive Staples Lewis
(November 29, 1898 - November 22, 1963)

Personal site

Clive Staples Lewis is without the shadow of a doubt one of the greatest writers of the century, being a novelist, poet, medievalist, academic, essayist, critic, and more.

His works have stood the test of time and are still devotedly praised by countless fans, and they include most prominent The Chronicles of Narnia and The Space Trilogy.


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