"Agenda 21" by Glenn Beck and Harriet Parke – The Rise of a Very New World Order

What today is known as America, in Agenda 21 by Glenn Beck, is known as The Republic. There are no rulers in The Republic, no congressmen, supreme courts, and most importantly, no freedom; there are only citizens and the seemingly omnipotent authorities.

Citizens are only used for two tasks: creating energy and reproduction. The guards follow their every move, and needless to say, most lives simply do not have a goal. The Republic was created as a result of the universally-imposed Agenda 21 by the UN, and this is the world Emmeline was born into.

While Emmeline has been leading her life like everyone else, making energy and being coupled with whomever was assigned to her, one day the authorities come for her mother, and everything falls apart. She sees with her own eyes the kind of hellhole she and everyone else had been living in, and that’s when the questions began.

Why do mothers never get to keep their babies? Why is every resource rationed the way it is? Why is everyone tracked in permanence? Slowly but surely, Emmeline puts the pieces together, unveiling the true objective of Agenda 21, and hopefully exposing the entire Republic to the rest of the world.

If you've read some of my earlier reviews, then chances are you know just how much I like to explore the concept of dystopian societies in my readings, mostly because they seem like something that could very well happen one day. Heck, England isn't too far away from having Big Brother watching everyone, especially with all the cameras in London.

To be honest, I found Agenda 21 not to have been such an impressive novel, and that’s mostly because of the way it was structured. While sometimes descriptions really do add to the story, in this case they were overly long, lifeless and even repetitive beyond necessity.

Some parts of the story were indeed interesting, but they instantly became clouded by long and sleep-inducing paragraphs. Plus some of the story elements were ridiculous, out of place, and simply unbelievable, even in the universe the events take place in.

All in all, while I didn't have a bad time with this novel, I didn't exactly have a blast either; there are many more better choices to explore out there.

If you can get past the long descriptions and really work hard to suspend your disbelief, the story can be pretty interesting and give you a brief sci-fi fix.

Glenn Lee Beck (Author)

Glenn Lee Beck

Personal site

Glenn Beck is known as a conservative (as in conservative political views) radio show host with his own program, and though he does express controversial opinions from time to time (it’s his job, after all), he can write some very interesting and eye-opening books, like Agenda 21 and Control for instance.


  1. I am not a fan of Glenn Beck I hate him. I am a liberal Democrat Obama supporter but Agenda 21 sounded like a real interesting book and I read it to see where the other side comes from. The book does not address a lot of questions about the forming of the Republic. The book does not mention what happened to cities like New York or Los Angeles or all the large cities in the US. The book does not mention if the Republic nuked or destroyed New York, Los Angeles or the major US cities. The book does not mentioned if the people who lived in the large US cities were relocated to the planned communities compounds. The book does not mention if the Republic took over Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and South America. In the Republic society in the book there are no radios, TV, computers, or even old landline telephones. What happened to all the modern day technology in the book? The only news the people in the Republic get are at the monthly social meetings from the authorities. Did the people that formed the Republic crash all the technology and tell the citizens that technology was beyond repair and they had to revert to the dark age? It is really the dark ages in Republic society without technology. What happened to air and sea travel in the book did the Republic close all the airports and make flying illegal? What happened to the groceries stores and restaurants in the book? Did the Republic shut down all the grocery stores and restaurants in the book? The book does not mention the kind of life style the higher up authorities live. Do the higher ups in the Republic get to live in a regular house while the rest have to live in concert compounds? Do the higher ups in the Republic get to have regular food and chose what they get to eat everyday instead of nourishment cubes? Do the higher ups in the Republic get to travel around the world as they please probably in jets while the rest of the citizens in the Republic are confined to prison like compounds? There are a lot of unanswered questions in this book? At the end of the book when Emilline, David, Elsa, and the little boy Emilline took from the Children’s Village escape what happens to the Republic? Does the Republic collapse? There needs to be a book two on Agenda 21 or it needs to be made into a series. Book two in Agenda 21 should answer the questions about what happen to the large US cities like New York, and LA when the Republic was formed and if the citizens in those cities were relocated. Book two needs to talk about if the Republic took over Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and South America. Book two needs to address why there is no modern day technology in the Republic and what the Republic did to it. Book two needs to talk about if the Republic shut down all the grocery stores and restaurants. Book two needs to talk about the kind of lifestyle the higher ups in the Republic live. Agenda 21 book is really a frickin mystery because there are a lot of unanswered questions. I give the author who wrote Agenda 21 a D because it does not go into a lot of detail about the questions that I mentioned. I also think that Agenda 21 should be made into a movie because I would like to see in pictures what the Republic, the compounds and the nourishment cubes are like.

    1. There is only so much information that an author can provide you with in a single book, and rather than placing the entirety of your focus on the things that are not there and every single question that was not given a clear and concrete answer, I suggest you divert your focus to what is there instead... it will probably make the book more enjoyable. Also, I believe it is unfair to rate a book based on the specific expectations you have of it in terms of answering every one of your questions. Sometimes you just have to fill in the gaps yourself, and novels where you aren't going to find unanswered questions are very few and far in between.


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