“Breakthrough” by James O’Keefe – Does True Freedom Exist?

Breakthrough by James O’Keefe (Book cover)
The United States claim themselves to be the home of the free, but in recent years many Americans believe that the concept itself has been trampled on without mercy. 

Nevertheless, many still believe that they maintain their freedom regardless of what happens, and that’s a notion James O’Keefe is looking to challenge in Breakthrough.

For those who haven’t heard about him, O’Keefe is a journalist whose contributions have been nothing but eye-opening as he risks his livelihood time and time again, trying to get down to the truth of the matters which actually concern our lives and shape the future for millions upon millions.

He and his team have infiltrated and gone face to face with some of the most powerful entities in this country, including media moguls, popular politicians, union bosses, elected officials, and many others, in an attempt to expose the skeletons they were desperately hiding from the public.

To get a bit more precise, in Breakthrough O’Keefe writes about the many results his latest sting operation produced. Amongst them, he looks into why the American voting system is very susceptible to fraud, why we have much less freedom than we imagine, what we must sacrifice to actually bring change to this world, not to mention that they also expose numerous corruption scandals at various corporations, such as ACORN, and the indifference governmental organizations such as Medicaid and Planned Parenthood have towards people. As a matter of fact O’Keefe and his band of citizen journalists have actually managed to bring about change, forcing certain states to reform their laws.

My first impression after reading the book was simply “Wow!”, for as far as I can see, it touched on virtually everything that is sucking the life out of the United States, demonstrating using nothing but facts and evidence that our current government and economic systems are both failures.

It looks into the rise of individualism on North American society, how our quest for money has divided us and robbed us of our sense of empathy and compassion. Moreover, O’Keefe also explores how the government and corporations are taking advantage of us being in that state of mind, how their lack of care for anything except for money is leading the United States to certain peril.

In the end, O’Keefe presents us with the true system of life in America: one that was crafted to keep the citizens in the dark and as uninvolved as possible in hopes of only giving certain people the power to actually change things. 

Breakthrough by James O’Keefe (Book cover)
He argues that simply voting for people, signing petitions or going to rallies will never bring any changes to the world, save for the most insignificant ones; it is only once the government begins reacting to you that you are actually making a difference. 

All in all, I definitely recommend this book to those who long to know the true state of affairs behind the illusory walls the United States have erected around their citizens.

James O'Keefe (Author)

James O'Keefe

James O'Keefe is a conservative American activist who has taken to the activity of producing secret undercover audio recordings of discussions held between important and public figures, often used as the basis for accusations of organizations abusing their power. A rather controversial figure, he raised many questions as to what constitutes acceptable journalism practices.


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