“The Book of Secrets” by Deepak Chopra – A Quest for Personal Power

The Book of Secrets by Deepak Chopra (Book cover)
Most of the day is spent by us in what some like to refer to as “robot mode”, in the sense that we are not truly awake and simply go through each action instinctively, without thinking about it. When we do start to think about what we do, who we are and what we want to achieve, more often than not all the reflections lead to one question: how can I navigate life with success?

In other words, what we are looking for is the power to steer our fate in the direction we want to… however, as you can guess, if such knowledge exists in the first place it certainly isn’t easy to obtain. Where would you even start your quest for such a power anyways? Well, there probably is an infinite number of such places, but one of the better ones, in my opinion, is The Book of Secrets by Deepak Chopra.

What exactly is the book about? Well, first off, Deepak Chopra is a renowned practitioner of holistic and alternative medicine, a thinker whose energy is devoted to learning how to best navigate through life and how this world actually functions underneath it all. Of course, neither I nor he pretend to hold all the answers, and The Book of Secrets is basically a collection of fifteen major truths Chopra has come learn, at least in regards to his own life.

These truths help to divide the book into multiple sections, and some of them include “What you Seek, You Already Are” and “Evil is Not Your Enemy”. As you can see, Chopra’s goal here is to impart on us the greatest and most important of his personal discoveries about life, the ones he believes can be applied universally to all humans.

So what did I think of the book itself? To begin with, if you aren’t familiar with Chopra’s writings you may be taken a bit by surprise. He never dares to pull any punches, and talks about things exactly the way he sees them; there are no sacrifices made in the name of political correctness.

We are shown what Chopra believes is the true path to enlightenment, and he explains to us how to walk it in a calm and determined way, without ever pushing us towards it… rather, he encourages.

The teachings found in this book can only be qualified as profound and in need of being re-read and thought about to be absorbed completely. Also, contrary to his previous works, Chopra sticks only to the spiritual side of the equation, not even bothering with his usual metaphors to get his points across.

For this reason, I believe that this book was intended for those who are seriously considering living their lives while walking the path to enlightenment.

The Book of Secrets by Deepak Chopra (Book cover)
If you are indeed serious about your spiritual development, if you are searching for the knowledge that will give you the power to steer your own fate, then The Book of Secrets is an interesting and promising place for you to start your quest.

I can only recommend it to those who are truly invested into the subject, as those who merely have a passing interest in it will probably end up being bored or frustrated by this kind of literature.

Deepak Chopra (Author)

Deepak Chopra

Personal site

Deepak Chopra is an author of Indian-American origin, known for his outspoken support of holistic and alternative medicines. In addition to being a writer, he is also a physician and public speaker. Some of his better-known books include Quantum Healing, Perfect Health, and Ageless Body Timeless Mind.


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